My Nametags labels are now the only antimicrobial labels in the market!
During the current Covid-19 Pandemic we have been shown how vital good hygiene practices are and the importance of clean surfaces, we want to do everything we can to support this and help our customers.
Here is how we are doing it
My name tags will help your children identify their belongings and the surface of the label is protected with Biomaster Antimicrobial Technology which inhibits the growth of bacteria on the label surface.
Tested to ISO 22196 our labels have been shown to reduce levels of E.coli and S. aureus by 99.7%. The labels are coating in a silver based coating which inhibits the ability of microbes to grow on the surface.
We are the only company offering this!
As well as being antimicrobial, our labels are, wear-resistant, durable, waterproof and suitable for use in washing machines, dishwashers and microwaves they are perfect for use on equipment in care homes and schools.