My Nametags cares about the future. We care about the world we and our children live in, and strive for a greener, better world. In our sustainability page you can see the ways in which we feel we are making a difference but today we wanted to share about a different initiative that we are incredibly proud to be partnering with.
Last year, a research project we did found that brits bin 1.4 million wearable school uniforms every year. This felt like a lot of uniforms, surely these could be reused?! Uniformerly is a free school uniform marketplace where parents can buy, sell, or give away their children’s school uniforms. The site is easy and quick to use, and it will help you save money, declutter AND help other people as well as the environment.
In the world of today where everything is available at a click for a very low price it is easy to forget that these things are having an impact in our environment. Clothing plays a big role in this, we overconsume, have more clothes than we need, some items in our wardrobes end up never even being worn! We have also become very good at getting rid of clothes that is still perfectly good – 81% of parents buy their children brand new school uniforms every year – is this necessary?
In the study (that you can read in full here) we also saw ‘that extending the lifespan of clothes by just three months could result in a 5-10 percent reduction in carbon, water, and waste footprints.’ We already know that prolonging the life of objects makes them have less of an impact on the environment, but we need to take it one step further. Care for what we have, use, reuse and with a little help from a name tag, it can become someone else’s personalised item. Once you find that you no longer need something: pass it on! Start by passing on your child’s school uniforms. That is why we are offering a 15% discount to Uniformerly users!
Visit the Uniformerly website to find out more.