Parenting styles across Europe

Parenting Styles Across Europe

We know that every family has different approaches to parenting. However, here at My Nametags, we wanted to investigate just how much parenting styles differ across European nations. We quizzed parents from across Europe and the results were surprising. Here are our top five takeaways…

British parents are most influenced by their own upbringing

Our research revealed how the influences on modern parents differs between the nations. A huge 83% of British parents say that what they didn’t like about their own upbringing has had the biggest impact on their own parenting style. In comparison, Portuguese parents believe pressure from social media plays the biggest role in influencing their parenting style, whereas Irish parents say that they are most influenced by the number of risks facing children nowadays.

Irish parents are the most lenient

Deciding your approach to rules can be tricky. Our research found that Irish parents adopt the most casual approach to parenting, enforcing only a few, or inconsistent rules within their household. On the other end of the spectrum, 58% of Dutch parents take a firm approach, setting strict or clear rules for their children.

Portuguese parents have the highest expectations

‘Helicopter parenting’ is a common phrase nowadays, but the debate about how much involvement parents should have in their child’s life and how much they should expect from them continues. We found that Portuguese parents set the highest standards, with 55% expecting their children to help with household chores, compared to only 42% of Brits. Similarly, 68% of Portuguese parents pay close attention to their children’s homework, compared to just 45% of Dutch parents.

Belgian parents prioritise education most

Education is a vital part of a child’s upbringing, and parents in Belgium see organising extra tuition for their children as a key part of their role in shaping the next generation. Belgian parents are most likely to fund additional tutoring for their children. By contrast, Irish parents are more likely to value practical skills, like cooking, whilst Portuguese parents are the most likely to do arts and crafts at home with their children.  

Dutch parents are the least playful

According to our research, Dutch parents are least likely to play with their children. Only 38% say they take part in their children’s imaginative games. Instead, Dutch parents are more focused on passing on practical skills, like cooking and how to ride a bike.

Read more: Comparing Modern Parenting To Previous Generations

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