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My Nametags Maxistickers

1 Set for £15.95

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School girl with her backpack which is labeled with a maxisticker School girl with her backpack which is labeled with a maxisticker
Maxisticker sticker set

What are maxistickers?

Discover our amazing Maxistickers – a variety-packed collection of circles, squares, and rectangles all in one set! Transform your child’s lunch boxes, school bags, books and water bottles into colourful personal statements with our large name labels. They are also ideal for sports gear as they are highly durable and waterproof so there is no need to worry about them falling off during activities. Choose from our 59 Maxisticker designs now!

The Best Add-ons to Stickers or Iron-ons

Ipad icon

Fun Themes

We offer 59 different themes to suit any taste and style. Click the personalise now button and explore all of our Maxisticker designs with your child.

sticker set showign multiple sizes

Multiple Sizes

At My Nametags, we think that there should be a label for everything. And that is why we made Maxistickers for bigger things. Check the various sizes here

thumbs up icon

Best Quality

We pride ourselves on being widely known for producing the best name labels on the market, and we have been independently tested to prove this.

Different sizes for various purposes

animated items on desks with maxsticker labels
animated items on desks with maxsticker labels

choose your favourite Themes

Click on the theme items to directly take you to the Maxistickers design page.

Football themeSports football themeBasketball themeConstruction themeAir balloons themeSpace themeGalaxy themeFarm themeSleepy kitten themeSleepy lamb themeSleepy piglet themeZombie themeNinja themeEmoji poop themeRetro green themeEmoji heart themeGaming console themeRace car themeToy cars themeCars themeMaritime themePirate boy themePirate girl themeOcean depth theme
Sleepy bear themeSleepy duckling themeSleepy fox themeSleepy polar bear themeRainbow themeRetro pink themePrincess themeUnicorn themeFairy themeSheriff themePolice car themePoliceman themePolicewoman themeOcean animals themeOtter themeArctic animals themeExotic animals themeSleepy puppy themeKoala themeDeer themeLeopard themeTropical themeSweets themeFlowers theme
Flora themeSchool themeFire truck themeFirefighter man themeFirefighter woman themeAmbulance themePanda themeForest animals themeDogs themeCat themeDinosaur themeKnight themeMonster themeRobot themeDelft blue themePattern themePattern 2 theme

Sports Shirt Themed Designs

Girls playing footbal in red and white jersey

We all know how mixed opinions are in relation to football and sports teams, that is why we made fully customisable football/sports shirts Maxistickers!

To design their team’s shirt, your child can change the base colour, the sleeves, the collar, the edges and even add stripes. As with all of our Maxisticker designs, sport shirt Maxistickers come in different shapes and sizes.

So no matter what size item your child is labelling, they can show off their team with pride!

Girls playing football in red and white jersey
Maxisticker sticker set

Support your team
with our
Sport Shirt Maxistickers

Get Creative Now
delft blue maxisticker
delft blue maxisticker

Delft Blue Maxistickers

Christina Kingma is a Dutch ceramic artist from Groningen. For her work, she draws inspiration from Delft blue. "Delft blue radiates liveliness and a nostalgic feeling of coming home, as it colored the houses of our grandparents. I am proud that children can connect with their heritage and family history thanks to these labels."

Photos taken by photographer Anouk Mos.

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delft blue maxisticker
Christina Kingma

how to apply Maxistickers?


On Clothing

  • 1. Firmly apply on the care label
  • 2. Allow 24 hours before washing the item.
  • 3. Stickers are washing machine safe up to 60°.

On Items & Equipment

  • 1. Stick the label to a clean and dry hard surface.
  • 2. Allow 24 hours before placing the item in a
  • 3. Stickers are dishwasher safe up to 100°

If you want to label shoes or clothing, we recommend our colour sticker name tags which are smaller in size. Headover to our colour stickers page or iron on page to learn more about how to apply labels to clothing or shoes

Benefits of Large Labels for School Children

Kids showing their custon name labels on their school items.

Large name labels are ideal for school children. This is because they enable the quick identification of lost or mixed up items as they are large enough to stand out on the item that they identify. As with all name labels, large name labels can help our kids to develop organisational skills and a sense of ownership from a young age as they are reminded of what is theirs whenever they use their labelled items.

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Where to apply large sticker Labels?

maxisticker sets on backpack School Bags
maxisticker on water bottle Waterbottles
maxisticker labels inside shoe sole Shoes
maxistickers on notebooks Notebooks